The first agriculture school in Grabonóg was organized in 1946. The students had their practice on a school farm. The school was named then as Men's Public Agricultural School. In 1947 the school was reorganized into Public Secondary Agriculture School. Unfortunately, due to the reorganization of educational system the well-developing school in Grabonog was closed in 1951. The school properties were given to few other schools which where situated outside the Gostyń district.

In 1956 a committee was established to reactivate the agriculture school in Grabonóg. The school restarted its activity to a Zootechnological School. Next winter a new course was established. It was a three-term Men's Agriculture School. The school was given the surrounding buildings as well as a park.

In April 1959, twenty students graduated school in Grabonóg. In the same year a two-term Agriculture school for girls was organized. In order to increase the interest in agriculture the school authority decided to introduce such subjects as a science of engines and tractors.

The school accommodations were very poor. The dormitory and classes were in one building. After long negotiations, in 1960 with the help of district authorities the school was given a historic manor. At the same time a new building was built and it was completed in 1962. The building which had been used so far was changed into a dormitory on the first floor. On the ground floor there was a headmaster office, an administration office and a gym for students. Thanks to the school and local authorities the school was organized as a four-year Agriculture School in 1963. The full name was: State Technical Secondary School. Since 1964 the students who graduated vocational school could attend a three-year school. In April 1964 the dormitory was extended and new buildings were built where later tractor drivers were educated there. The school sport field was built at the same time.

In 1972 the school was extended; it was then a two floor building. Thanks to that the school had more classrooms, a hall, a cloakroom and a common room.

In September of 1974 after the reorganization of agricultural education the school changed its name to the District Centre of Agricultural Education which included: four year long Agricultural Vocational School (full and part time) and three year long Vocational school.

In 1976 due to reorganization the school changed its name to ZSR (The Complex of Vocational Agricultural School). One year later a rifle-range was built. On the 10th of June 1978 the school took the name of General Jóżef Wybicki. This was commemorated by placing a memorable board on the school building. In 1980 the historic manor was being redecorated and later the building was changed into a museum of Edmund Bojanowski. Moreover, another farm building was redecorated and changed into a Dobrogost club for young people. The work done by the headmaster Stanisław Sroka and the students was rewarded by the Minister of Culture Wiktor Zima. In 1982 new building were built, among others garages for tractors.

In 1988 a new investment was started, namely, the building of a gym. This investment was finished in 1989. During that time a carpenter's workshop was built where the school equipment could be repaired. The school was also fenced with a new modern fencing. The first computers appeared at school in 1992 - there were six of them. In 1995 the dormitory was redecorated.

In 1996 there was a reunion of all the graduates. In the same year another 12 computers were added to IT classroom.

In 1996-2000 another classrooms of physics, economy, marketing and mechanization were redecorated. At the same time a square for learning to drive a tractor was modernized. In order to improve the education new classrooms for sewing and food classes appeared. All the classrooms were furnished with all necessary equipment.

In 2002-2005 another IT classes were organized. Language classes on the other hand were given new audio equipment.

In 2002 a chemistry lab was organized in Grabonóg and a classroom for customer service in Kosowo.

In 2003 the gym was redecorated.

In 2006 the school and part of the dormitory was redecorated. The windows were exchanged and the classrooms repainted. The old trees were cut out and new ones were planted. The old sick horse chestnuts were vaccinated.

All the classrooms are very well-equipped. The school has also a multimedia set. New equipment was also bought to meet the requirements of a new Matura exam.